Tag der Architektur 2023
Our project Holzhäuser am Waldhornweg was part of the Tag der Architektur in Brandenburg on 25th June!
BDA-Prize Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Honorable Mention
PAC receives a Honorable Mention for our Studinest project in the BDA-Prize Mecklenburg-Vorpommern!
PAC turns 10!
PAC turns 10! We think that’s worth a celebration! We will showcase our work of the last 10 years in a little exhibition from Oct 2 – 6 in gallery 170 on Torstrasse 170 in Berlin-Mitte.Come check it out!
Haus K in Tag der Architektur 2021!
We would like to invite you to the Tag der Architektur on 27. June 2021. On this day we are offering two guided tours through our Haus K project in Bernau near Berlin, which was completed last year. Haus K has been selected for „Häusern des Jahres 2021“ by Callwey Verlags and has just been nominated…
New photographs of Studinest Rostock!
Thanks Bullahuth. You can see the project here.
Holzhäuser am Waldhornweg construction started!
Check out the project here!
We’re moving!
From 1.9.2020 you’ll find our new office in the old Propeller Factory on Warschauer Strasse in Berlin – Friedrichshain !
Day of Architecture 2020
We are pleased that Haus K will be presented at Day of Architecture 2020: www.ak-brandenburg.de/content/tag-der-architektur-2020 However, due to Corona, visits to the house will only take place next year.
Day of Architecture 2020
Our Studinest Rostock project is one of 46 projects that will be presented at the Day of Architecture 2020 in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. “Resource architecture” is this year’s theme and draws attention to sustainable design and construction. www.architektenkammer-mv.de/de/architektur-baukultur-in-m-v/tag-der-architektur/2020-tag-der-architektur/
2020! Studinest Rostock facade almost finished!
Thanks S+T Fassaden GmbH for the great work and Bullahuth for the new Photos.Construction on Haus K getting started!
Wildlife checking on the progress...Studinest Rostock basement almost complete…
Studinest project here
Our Berlin apartment renovation Mädchenzimmer is finished!
Check out the project here!
Ready to pour Studinest’s basement floor plate!
250 tonnes of steel already installed! Studinest
100 HÄUSER 2018 – Haus P is number 9!
We feel honored that Haus P is published in 100 HÄUSER 2018 architecture magazine! www.100haeuser.de See the project here.
Shortlisted competition entry
Our shortlisted design competition entry for a new Youth Center in Heidelberg, Germany is now online. Check it out here.
Haus P featured on Archdaily
Haus P published in CUBE magazine!
GEGEN ALLE BEDENKEN Einfamilienhaus in Pankow überrascht mit ungewöhnlichem, polygonalem Baukörper.
Haus Mai published in db metamorphosis!
Die Verwandlung
New photographs of Haus P!
Thanks Bullahuth. You can see more of the photos here.
Architecture Day Berlin 2017 Tour
Explaining the design process and giving a tour of Haus P.
Thank you!
Thank you bullahuth Fotografie und Gestaltung for taking beautiful photographs of our two new projects Haus Mai and Haus P! http://bullahuth.de
Architecture Day Berlin 2017
Architecture Day Berlin 2017 on June 25th – we invite you to take a look at our newest project Haus P. Guided tours at 15 and 16h. Please RSVP info@project.ac http://www.ak-berlin.de/baukultur/tag-der-architektur/tag-der-architektur-2017/programm.html